VMI Group - Technology meets success
VMI Group - Technology meets success

Automated dispensing and patient care

VMI’s vision, which has been enriched and enhanced by our business experience in other industrial sectors, is to play an active part in delivering a solution that addresses the exact needs of each individual customer. Based on its experience in industrial robotization, VMI has created a market leading automated dispensing solution, consisting of the INDIVION pouch packaging machine, enabled by the PHARYS operating system.

The VMI integrated solution personalizes packaging and distribution of medicines, delivering the 5 rights of medication (right patient, drug, dose, route and time) on a huge scale.

Each individual INDIVION machine can manage fast and highly accurate dispensing for up to 25,000 patients, so an installation of three or four machines on one site can normally deliver all the customized medicines required by every patient in a medium sized city. This is a step-change in capacity, reaching a throughput rate that is some five times as high as the previous generation of machines, not equaled anywhere on the market. That delivers major operational benefits for Pharmacists, leading to lower costs and lower demand for scarce pharmacy resources, while increasing accuracy and lowering risks.