VMI Group - Technology meets success
VMI Group - Technology meets success

VMI and Healthcare

VMI is a leader in smart machines across multiple sectors, and is now a key player in accurate, industrial-scale medicines dispensing. We continuously work with pharmacists to improve and accelerate the essential task of putting the right medicines in the right quantities, in the right hands at the right time – at the lowest achievable cost. That is an important contribution to the healthcare ecosystems developing all around us.

And healthcare is the only part of the modern economy that personally affects every citizen. It doesn’t matter who we are, we will all hope to receive, at some points in our lives, accurate, timely medical treatment, advice and support. VMI has spent 80 years building an unrivalled reputation for efficiency, speed and error-free operations in automated machines. Those capabilities are now helping to revolutionize the dispensing market for healthcare. Explore further to find out more.