VMI Group - Technology meets success
VMI Group - Technology meets success

Vision for the future

The emerging healthcare economy is inhabited by many different players, ranging from insurers to charities to advanced manufacturers to pharmaceutical companies to cloud-enabled analytics and monitoring designers. This is a collaborative environment, and it is in everyone’s interests for it to remain like that.

At the heart of modern healthcare is data, which is analyzed to deliver detailed insights. Some information is highly personal (patient data, that must be protected and kept confidential), while some is proprietary (the Intellectual Property all innovators and system owners must safeguard to protect their core business interests).

Taken together, INDIVION and PHARYS deliver high level automation and robotization, increasing efficiencies and minimizing opportunities for errors throughout the complete pharmacy workflow. VMI, as a leading player in smart machine design, manufacture and maintenance, is now bringing the unique skills and experience gained in multiple industries to healthcare, and that is opening new opportunities for every other stakeholder in the field.