VMI Group - Technology meets success
VMI Group - Technology meets success
8 February 2017

VMI introduces VMI PIXXEL

At the heart of VMI’s vision technology is a sophisticated system that effectively replaces the eyes of the operator, enabling complete hands-off and eyes-off production. In line with Industry 4.0, VMI continuously aims for greater connectivity, higher levels of automation and wider us of machine intelligence to drive speed, agility and production integration. That is why VMI now introduces VMI PIXXEL.

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10 November 2016

VMI expands manufacturing capacity with new facility in Poland

On 3 November, the ground breaking ceremony for the new manufacturing facility of VMI Group took place in Leszno, Poland in the presence of the mayor of Leszno and other government officials. In the first phase, a 13,500 m2 facility will be built on an 8 hectare plot of land to extend the current manufacturing capabilities of the company.

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27 October 2016

VMI wins first patent invalidation case against Safe-Run

As part of ongoing legal actions commenced by VMI against Safe-Run, VMI filed for invalidation of a number of Safe-Run patents. Recently, the Chinese Patent Review Board has ruled in this case and invalidated the first Safe-Run patent in its entirety as the patent was based on prior art.

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30 September 2016

VMI collects 60,000 euros for KiKa by participating in Berlin Marathon

VMI is very happy to announce that the 14 VMI participants in the Berlin Marathon together raised the wonderful amount of 60,000 euros for the fight against childhood cancer (Stichting Kinderen Kankervrij, meaning the “Children Cancer Free Foundation”).

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12 September 2016

VMI takes legal steps against Safe-Run

Despite repeated warnings, Safe-Run did not stop the infringement on several of VMI’s patents. VMI therefore decided to take legal steps against Safe-Run.

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10 July 2016

VMI in Extended Product Life Cycle Management Project

Together, ten Dutch businesses started the Extended Product Life Cycle Management project (E-PLM). It is part of the Smart Industry field lab called “The Garden.”

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30 June 2016

VMI awarded punitive damages in civil action against Shuangjun

The Chinese Intellectual Property Court supported VMI on all claims and awarded the full compensation requested by VMI to be paid by Shuangjun Plastic and Rubber Machinery Ltd.

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10 May 2016

VMI RETRAX program completed with automatic builder

VMI now introduces the RETRAX builder, an automatic pre-cured tread applicator, to deliver the highest quality and productivity in retreading.

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