2 March 2018
VMI in E-PLM 2.0

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire life cycle of a product, from idea through technical design and manufacturing to its use and customer service in the field. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies. This project is about the Extended PLM, in other words, about the entire chain of companies.
This project has been made possible by the ‘Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling’ (EFRO). For more information visit there website and see the information poster (Dutch).
E-PLM 2.0 is the follow-up of the project Extended PLM. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process of management of the complete life cycle of a product, from idea via technical design and productions, to use and service at the customer in the field. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems, creating the spine for companies. Extended implies the system transcends the individual company.
E-PLM 2.0 bases the acceleration of innovation through using existing value chains across company borders. The fieldlab contains a large number of experiments working towards improving the value chain.