27 October 2016
VMI wins first patent invalidation case against Safe-Run

As part of ongoing legal actions commenced by VMI against Safe-Run, VMI filed for invalidation of a number of Safe-Run patents. Recently, the Chinese Patent Review Board has ruled in this case and invalidated the first Safe-Run patent in its entirety as the patent was based on prior art.
Further claims for invalidation of other Safe-Run patents have been filed and VMI feels confident that these will also be granted as the technology in question can be proven to have been developed by VMI and utilized in VMI machines prior to Safe-Run’s application for a patent. The Chinese Patent Review Board considers this high-jacking of know-how and as such ground for invalidation of a patent.
Harm Voortman, President & CEO of VMI Group: “We feel strengthened in our belief in the Chinese legal system. This illegal use of protected intellectual property undermines innovation and prevents advancement in the industry. That is why VMI will continue to take legal actions to protect our rights.”