24 July 2017
VMI participates in FLEX-PRO

VMI Holland B.V. works together with DEMCON Advanced Mechatronics B.V., DEMCON Bunova B.V., Bond high performance 3D technology B.V., Universiteit Twente and Stichting Saxion together on technical solutions, which enable predicting process parameters of complex product processes by means of modeling, simulation and system integration.
All partners in this project have much knowledge and expertise in their own field. The forces are bundled in such a way that, through this cooperation, the companies make a significant innovation step by means of the knowledge institutions, which is difficult to realize by the companies individually.
The operational program (OP) ERDF East Netherlands is a joint subsidy program of the provinces of Overijssel and Gelderland and works on structural strengthening of the economy. This innovation project is executed in the period 2017 – 2020.
More information can be found on www.op-oost.eu