VMI Group - Technology meets success
VMI Group - Technology meets success
31 July 2017

Major patents of VMI upheld in China

VMI is pleased to announce that major invention patents related to tire building technology are upheld in China. These patents were challenged by Safe-Run as their defense in the ongoing legal dispute, in which VMI is suing Safe-Run for infringement of VMI’s protected IP.

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24 July 2017

VMI participates in FLEX-PRO

VMI Holland B.V. works together with DEMCON Advanced Mechatronics B.V., DEMCON Bunova B.V., Bond high performance 3D technology B.V., Universiteit Twente and Stichting Saxion together on technical solutions, which enable predicting process parameters of complex product processes by means of modeling, simulation and system integration.

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17 May 2017

VMI South America Ltda, in Itatiaia Brazil, officially opened

On May 12th, the new facility of VMI South America Ltda was officially opened with an open house for customers and suppliers. VMI South America has relocated to a new and larger location in the city of Itatiaia, about half way between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

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5 May 2017

Pieter Zandt Senior High Students Visit VMI Epe

On 2 May, a busload of HAVO 4 students from Pieter Zandt School in Kampen visited VMI Epe. In particular, it is for orienting students to follow-up studies. They visited VMI to focus on the possibilities for technical follow-up studies after HAVO.

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14 April 2017

Roefelday 2017

“Roefelday" offered children of secondary schools in the region, the opportunity to take a look “behind the scenes”. VMI opened its doors as well.

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30 March 2017

VMI Appoints Dr Edward Holweg As New COO

Prof Dr Edward Holweg will be appointed as the new COO of VMI Group starting April 1st. He will succeed Guido Roncken MBA, who held this position for over 10 years. As COO, Dr Edward Holweg will be a member of the Global Executive Board of VMI Group and will be responsible for VMI operations globally.

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21 February 2017

Introducing VMI Remote Guidance: it’s as if the VMI expert is standing right next to you

Whenever an issue occurs during production, it is important that any interruption is minimized. To ensure immediate support 24/7 on VMI equipment, VMI introduces VMI Remote Guidance.

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16 February 2017

VMI wins Tire Industry Supplier of the Year award at Tire Technology Expo 2017

During the annual Gala dinner at the Tire Technology Expo on February 15th 2017, VMI was honored with the Tire Industry Supplier of the Year award. The award was received by Mr Harm Voortman, President and CEO of the VMI Group.

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