5 March 2024
Meet VMI Event – April 18th

Do you already know Meet VMI?
The chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at the most beautiful company in the Veluwe area! We offer you the opportunity to talk to a VMI employee about his or her experience and even see the workplace. Want to hear the story behind the job description? Then take your chance and register for this unique event. Coffee and tea will be ready on Thursday, April 18th at 2:30 p.m.
Who would you like to speak to?
Register quickly and indicate with whom you would like to speak. Then we will arrange a nice match for you; An (electro)technician, engineer or for example an application manager? It is all possible! Are you a student or already working, everyone is welcome!
Please share this invitation with friends and relations.
We hope to meet you on April 18th!
Register via this link
Check out our vacancies